Thank you for visiting the website of the Research Institute of Nursing Science.
The Research Institute of Nursing Science at Seoul National University has been making remarkable contributions to promoting nursing knowledge and information required for the development of nursing science since its establishment. The nursing environment at home and abroad, and the demands of patients are considerably changing; thus, we seek the future direction for the advancement of nursing science by taking the lead in pursuing dynamic changes based thereon.With more diverse roles and functions, we are trying to develop the latest nursing studies and cultivate highly competent nursing science researchers and conduct various activities as part of our efforts to reinvent ourselves into a global hub for nursing science research. The three centers under the Research Institute of Nursing Science are specialized in developing, educating, and promoting nursing theories, laying the ground on which convergence nursing intervention can be realized, and further striving to present desirable models for the internationalization and industry-university collaboration in the nursing science sector. Accordingly, every member of the College of Nursing, including faculty members, researchers, and students are actively participating in such efforts. Moreover, we have been maintaining a variety of networks with nursing science scholars, nursing practitioners, and experts in nursing and other sectors to understand the complex environment surrounding nursing science and provide a future-oriented paradigm for nursing science, and we will continue to maintain those networks and exchange with our partners.
We want to convey our sincere gratitude for your support and assistance to the Research Institute of Nursing Science at Seoul National University, and your continued attention and advice will be much appreciated.
Thank you.
Establishment Purpose
The Research Institute of Nursing Science has the following goals for its research on the development of nursing theories and skills for the promotion of health of mankind and the development of policy framework for effective management of public health, as well as invigorating nursing science researchers and the international academic exchanges in the nursing science sector.
- Research on the development of basic nursing science
- Research on the effect of the practical application of the latest medical technologies on patients
- Development of various nursing intervention methods per patients’ demands and research on the effects thereof
- Research on the development of the nursing education curriculum and system
- Research on the enhancement of the effect and efficiency of public health management programs
- Development of various nursing information systems and nursing policies and research on the utilization plans thereof
- Activities to cultivate researchers and enhance research capacities
- Hosting of international conferences and promotion of international joint research projects
Organization Chart

Theory Development and Education Center
Establish the theoretical framework for nursing science, develop diverse nursing education models and conduct tasks to cultivate human resources in the nursing sector

Convergence Intervention Center
Conduct tasks related to the promotion of the health of mankind including developing convergence nursing intervention methods and providing customized nursing services by presenting appropriate models

Internationalization ∙ Industry-University Collaboration Center
Identify and understand demands for nursing in the globalized and unified future and conduct tasks concerning reinforcement of cooperative relationships with community ∙ partner institutions